“Peregrinationes” Accademia
Internazionale Melitense
Tomo III -Anno Accademico II MMI - Acta et documenta“Mediterranean Rehabilitation Conference”
International Meeting 11-12 December 2000 - Malta, Forte S. Angelo Introduction In consideration of the development of the Accademia Internazionale
Melitense, the Sovereign Council, in its session of 6 December 2000, agreed to
accept the Rector's proposal to divide it into three departments -
historical-cultural, medical and diplomatic. While awaiting the necessary
statutory amendments, steps were taken for an immediate launch of activities in
the medical and scientific field. The activities of the diplomatic department
will be initiated in 2002 when the restoration of the Fort St. Angel in Malta,
the headquarters of the Accademia, is completed and seminar participants can
also be housed there. It is in this context that we launch the proceedings of
the first international meeting entitled "Mediterranean Rehabilitation
Conference" organised by the Accademia Internazionale within the framework
of its medical scientific sector. In the presence of H.M.E.H., Fra' Andrew Bertie, and of the
representative of the President of Malta, I was particularly honoured to
welcome the Prime Minister of the archipelago, the Hon. Dr. Edward Fenech
Adami, who has agreed to open the meeting. Mediterranean experts have talked to
us about extremely interesting matters from a scientific viewpoint. This is certainly a specialised conference which we wanted to hold in
Malta to stress the Order's medical and welfare aspect, always present
alongside its religious character and historical commitment, in the wake of the
tradition that placed the Grande Infermeria in Malta, beacon of medical science
during the years the Knights were on the island. In presenting the proceedings of the scientific meeting, I wish to
thank those who have contributed to the advancement of the Accademia
Internazionale Melitense, and in particular Prof. Paolo Caucci von Saucken who
is its president. The conference was an opportunity to compare different
schools and approaches with regards to scientific progress and the latest
studies on rehabilitation. Rehabilitation strategies were discussed to develop, hopefully, common
projects, as well as scientific experiences of different health services and
their planning on the basis of the different religious and socio-political
areas. Healthcare without borders, as stressed in the institutional aims of the
Sovereign Military Order of Malta, for a more extensive and efficient
humanitarian and hospitaller action. The following pages will certainly
constitute a stimulus for further meetings in the Mediterranean area, in which
the Order and Malta will be increasingly required to play a central role. Finally, I want to express my gratitude to Prof. Salvatore Giaquinto,
illustrious professor of neurorehabilitation, for organising and supervising
the congress works. We must also thank him for the conclusions that constitute
a starting point for the Order's further activities in the medical and
scientific research sector, and in particular in developing the cultural debate
in the Mediterranean. Malta, Fort St. Angel, 1 November 2001 |