“In Memoriam” for the Principe Don Francesco Colonna, President of the Italian Association of the S.M.O. of Malta


One cannot speak of the Italian Association, or matters concerning the Association of Italian Knights of the Order of Malta, without recalling Don Francesco Colonna di Paliano, former President of the Association, who died so untimely a death in 1993.
Don Francesco's silent work, his diplomatic abilities and his quiet bonhomie - in which his keen spirit of initiative could always be detected - made him a symbol, to which I deferentially refer as a witness to many years of work together in the Order's common ideal of service.

The work which is being carried out in Italy with more fervour than ever, albeit brought to fruition after he resigned from his task, found a fertile terrain in Don Francesco for preparing projects of great and international vision, just as the regret for his death was great and international.

I cannot but express my profound admiration to his wife, faithful companion, for the constant support she has always given "Francesco" during the many difficulties faced in the service of the Association.

His work remains, an example to all those who knew him, to all those who believed in him. And this includes the authors of the scientific articles which follow, product of the research carried out in the Hospital of St. John the Baptist of the Order's Association of Italian Knights, to whom Don Francesco unstintingly gave the best of himself.